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Writer's pictureShaheer Ahmed

Ultimate Ruby Programming tutorial playlist to learn for beginners and free

Ruby is the same thing with programming languages. The Rails framework helps developers to build websites and applications, because it abstracts and simplifies common repetitive tasks. ...Ruby is an all-purpose language, best recognized for Web Applications, because of the Ruby on Rails Framework.

Is Ruby Dying?

No, Ruby is not dying. I'm insanely passionate about Ruby - it's at the top of my list of favourite languages, and I easily spend over 8 hours a day writing Ruby, but my other passion is JavaScript (inc. ES6). When it comes to building highly UX-centric user interfaces, one starts to think of 'client-side' apps, and potentially a year or so ago, would reach for tools like Backbone - around that time alternatives were KnockoutJS and Angular was just coming into the scene. Today, there's Ember, which has matured since - but one of the big changes has been the impact of ReactJS by Facebook, and the way it has impacted projects such as Turbolinks 3. To put this into perspective, I watched DHH's State of the Union talk at Railsconf last night - and the things they've done for Rails 5 are incredibly exciting, and Turbolinks 3 & Action Cable are two aspects that have huge potential; plus the fact that Turbolinks will have 'native' bindings on your mobile flavour of the month, namely iOS/Android. But, you ask, "What has all this Rails talk got to do with Ruby?". Sure, Ruby is a great 'scripting' language; one can build gems in isolation, but I think you'll find in a general sense, it's leveraged a lot more in the web-framework domain. Want to set up a 'micro-service'? It'll probably be Sinatra (Although with Rails 5, you can do `rails new AwesomeMicroService -- api` which will bake you the 'smallest' Rails footprint). So, TL;DR, Ruby + RACK. That's the domain where you'd most likely see Ruby having an impact. One could have potentially argued, since JavaScript has for a while been the lingua franca of the web, that it would have resulted in the 'demise' of Ruby (or possibly Rails), but that's - in the vernacular of 'Danny' from the TV Show 'Undatable' - just "crazy pants". So what's really magical about Rails 5, is the fact that it's turning the whole 'JavaScript' front-end aspect on its head. It's using JavaScript, internally of course, but exposing or binding it's use via UJS hooked into the Asset Pipeline - or taking Turbolinks 3 as an example - by simply checking the DOM for attributes such as `data-turbolinks-permanent` or `data-behaviour` and ensuring the necessary JavaScript handles everything, under the covers, and here's the *magical* part, whilst we continue to write most of this in Ruby, and a certain degree (of simple) JavaScript (in CoffeeScript if you wish). With these exciting changes slated for Rails 5, it's hard to imaging Ruby dying anytime soon, well not unless you introduce an alias to `Kernel::exit` as `Kernel::die`. Yes, that was a joke :)

Here is an amazing playlist of Ruby tutorials for free by Smartherd containing 64 videos. The best one out there for beginners to advance.

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