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  • Owl code - Learning what matters

    Owl Code is a platform for students in India to learn what really matters for their knowledge and their interesting careers. You can get started too by signing up for free here at Here let us know why everyone should learn how to code in this generation. And why coding is not neccessary for everyone. One of the most fascinating debates I have been observing with key intent on the Internet, is the question: should everyone know how to code? Should programming be placed on the same pedestal as reading and writing when it comes to essential skills? Will it become so essential that you cannot get any opportunities without an intuitive idea of coding? The Internet has widely debated this topic and there is extensive arguments on both sides. Rather than simply shoving my opinion down your throat, I propose to provide the most compelling arguments each side has to offer on this issue, and then it is up to you, the reader to decide your opinion based on what I offer. Having said that, let’s get started! Why everyone should learn to code? Technology is everywhere: Companies across the world are moving to a digitized format of running their businesses. Already over 90 percent of jobs that humans used to do in the past has been taken over by computers. Technology has aggravated the shift of people from the farms to the urban sector, precipitating the fast paced transition of nation states towards a developed economy with emphasis on tertiary sector activities. As an example, only 0.1% of the workforce is involved in the railroad industry today, as opposed to 3 percent seventy years ago, yet it moves nearly three times the amount of freight around the country compared to the last century. So it is clear that a person who is more tech-savvy has an edge over his or her competition in the market. Learn to solve problems “Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer… because it teaches you how to think.” — Steve Jobs Programmers don’t just solve problems just by looking at the question posed to them. They look at the problem, break it into manageable chunks of sub-problems, solve them (sometimes recursively these sub-problems need to be broken down) and then integrate all this into one functional solution. This is in general, how we approach problems. Even if it seems overwhelming at first, we make it as simple as possible to ensure we can solve each part of it and then find the overall solution. A Forbes article provides a different perspective on this issue: If you’ve always thought of yourself as more of the artist type — right-brained, creative — then coding can help you gain balance. Prior to teaching himself code, Leong navigated life based on feelings and gut instinct alone: “When questioned on the logic of my decisions, I struggled to articulate them in comprehensible steps.” Logic, problem solving, and organization are some of the cornerstones of programming, and practicing with code helps you exercise that “left” side of the brain. According to Leong, “Learning to code has not only helped me process the rationale behind my own thinking, but has increased my ability to create more well-thought-out decisions through organizing my thoughts and intentions.” Flexibility and Independence Sometimes it’s frustrating for some of us to be in a situation where we have no control over what we can do and have to depend on others for help. We can’t do anything about our broken leg, as that’s the expertise of doctors and surgeons. We have to call the plumber for each and every time there is a fault in our pipes and stuff. We also feel helpless when we have to ask others to build our websites….wait! With the large set of resources available freely and not-so-freely on the web, you can take control of the last task in your hands! A basic knowledge of web pages, how to add content via HTML, styling it with CSS and introducing interactivity with JavaScript, sends you on a path of self-sufficiency. You can design it as per your wishes and take control of that aspect of your career or business, and also cut the cost of hiring programmers to do the job you could do. Coding also gives you the chance to work from home as a freelancer, in case jobs are hard to come by: When you’re marketable, you have leverage. You’re freer to take risks. And you’re more able to bounce back when things go wrong. Countee always dreamed of having her own business, so once she learned how to build websites with Ruby on Rails, she got started as a freelancer (while keeping her full-time job). “That meant that when I experienced a layoff, I didn’t have to immediately run to the next open position,” she explains. “I had the option of continuing with my freelance work.” The more variety of people that know coding, the more ingenious solutions can be made As of now, many of the programmers come from a scientific background, with vigorous training in math, physics and chemistry. As such, many of the solutions designed by programmers have strong biases towards the former two. But imagine if liberal arts students combined their know-how with ability to code programs?? “I believe that learning how to code is like learning a super power in today’s world,” says Countee. In a world where good software, apps, and websites matter, it’s powerful to be able to create those things yourself. She notes that this power can be especially valuable for liberal arts majors: “The future should not only be built by computer scientists and engineers. There needs to be significant input from the painters, writers, political thinkers and social scientists that study and respond to our culture.” Coding allows you to build your own platform and give yourself a voice. Learn the art of persistence This snip from an article explains it best: Programmers have to think logically about a problem. Once you start learning how to code, you stop giving up on other difficult situations in your day-to-day life as well. You start trying over and over again. You become patient because you know there is always a solution. It just needs some more effort, just like it happens when you create a program, runs it, and debug it several times to reach the perfect solution. Why everyone should not learn to code: It’s not the same as reading or writing Coding is not for everyone. Let’s face it. People actively avoid programming classes in high school because they don’t feel adept at being a proficient coder. So you may say that is a matter of confidence. But coding isn’t exactly like reading or writing as in that it is a basic universal skill that one needs to have. Sure, having an ability to program solutions will help you stand out in the job market (as mentioned above), but that is not the same as a basic skill or even a prerequisite. So it isn’t worth imposing coding classes on those who do not seek to do so. We have seen already how many budding talents in other fields do not fulfill their potential by getting into the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) fields under peer, parental or societal pressure. We don’t want to discourage potentially talented coders by imposing it on those who do not wish to do so. This ‘Everyone should code’ is a propaganda by politicians and tech companies and they dishonestly sell the profession as a must need Tech companies want to save money. But they need good programmers to design their solutions. But as the market is such that there are few good talented people that fit their profile, the companies have to fork a significant salary to ensure that these core talents work for their company. Understandably, they aren’t that happy they have to see their money get burnt out. Politicians see these high paid jobs and sell this utopian dream to people that if you go ahead and learn coding, you will end up in this highly paid job and that is the dream of the middle class. Of course, let’s ignore the fact that these jobs are hard to come by and it requires a good level of experience and ability, but why stop them from spreading their propoganda? Let me refer to a couple of articles(TechRepublic and TechCrunch)who can articulate this far better than I ever could: If you regularly pay attention to the cultural shenanigans of Silicon Valley, you’ve no doubt heard of the “Learn to Code” movement. Politicians, nonprofit organizations like and even former Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City have evangelized what they view as a necessary skill for tomorrow’s workforce. There may be some truth to that, especially since the United States’ need for engineers shows no sign of slowing down. But the picture is more complicated. We live in an ultra-competitive world, with people turning to all sorts of methods to make ends meet. Selling coding as a ticket to economic salvation for the masses is dishonest. Take coding bootcamps. Since the mainstream learned of the success of Silicon Valley software engineers, everyone wants to own a startup or become an engineer. HBO’s Silicon Valley paints a picture of late twenty-somethings spending their nights coding and smoking weed, all whilst making millions of dollars. The American public is amazed by figures like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, who make millions seemingly overnight. Coding fever has even reached the steps of the White House, with President Obama pushing for legislation to include computer science in every public-school curriculum. — — - Focusing on coding inflates the importance of finding the “right” method to solve a problem rather than the importance of understanding the problem. — - The problem with this line of reductionist thinking(everyone should code)is that it collapses the world into “Haves” (coders) and “Have-nots” (non-coders), without taking into consideration the varied value that differently talented people bring to the world. — — Developers are expected to learn fast, with little guidance and little more incentive than the faint rattling of the pink-slip guillotine. One could argue that this is simply one of the costs of the trade. But if current developers are frustrated or falling behind — and there is evidence that shows this is the case — why encourage individuals to enter such an uncertain realm? What happens to the person who spent night and day studying Objective-C only to be horrified by the Swift announcement at WWDC 2014? Do they keep coding in what is quickly becoming the language of lesser choice, or do they start again? If you’re a young twenty-something, this may pose little difficulty, but if you’re taking care of a family — with bills to pay and mouths to feed — the task becomes Herculean. (This means that software development is an uncertain and fast moving world and does not work well for those who take their time to grasp concepts and ideas). (Due to the extensiveness of these couple of points, other arguments I have read have the same core principle as the above mentioned). My take on this: After having gone through both sides of the issue, you can feel free to agree with either side, or have a more balanced view of things. Ultimately, your opinion is something which is based of your beliefs and values, so some of these arguments may or may not have convinced you. But at least you have heard the two sides out before you stick to believe in. This is something which is missing in this world, sadly: objective information covering all sides of the story, from which one can make a decision. For what it’s worth, I feel that coding is something that people should be aware of, but not something that should be imposed upon people. I appreciate that coding is introduced at a basic level in schools, and it is more than just Microsoft Office, which was what I was taught in the lower classes. Surely that has been replaced with a basic idea of programming, with Scratch being one of the examples of how children are introduced to problem solving. But we cannot make this mandatory, as it is not for everyone. Give a chance for everyone to code, but they should have the choice to continue or not, or we risk creating a generation of under confident people who cannot fulfill their talents because they could not learn to code.

  • Want to start learning Data Science with R programming ....?

    Want to start your data scientist journey by learning R ? R programming is definitely useful for data scientists. Know some of the right places to get started with learning R programming for becoming a Data Scientist in this post. 1. Simplilearn Simplilearn youtube channel has nearly 18 videos on Data Science with R programming from beginner level and learn various tools and techniques and some really interesting algorithms!! 2. David Langer David Langer provides you with free youtube video tutorials on R programming along with practical uses. Check it out 3. Edureka Edureka provides you with free tutorial on data science 4. Udemy Udemy has a lot of courses on data science. Some of the free courses for beginners are the following : Data Science with R - In this course you will learn what is data science and start with the basics of R R, ggplot and Simple Linear Regression - This course is also for beginners. Both of the above courses are FREE !! and won't take much of your time and you can understand the basics well. If this post was useful, like and share it!

  • Here are some useful websites for beginners in R programming.....

    Maybe you have heard of R programming, so now it's time to learn it. There are many websites and youtube channels where you can learn R programming for free. Here are some useful websites to get started with R and gain an immense amount of knowledge in R. 1.Great Learning Great Learning provides you with useful tutorials on R for beginners. It has a playlist on youtube for tutorials on R programming. You can also visit their website to know more about the courses Great Learning Academy provides. 2. Udemy Udemy is a good place to start off with any new skill and master it. Some introductory courses can be found on Udemy for FREE!! Click here to Learn the Basics of R programming. 3. Edureka Well here comes Edureka, it is one of the best youtube channels which provides free videos on various topics. 4. Intellipaat Intellipaat brings you a complete course on R programming from scratch!! You can watch it here: 5. R Tutorial For those who prefer to read and learn R programming, this website maybe useful to get started with R. If this post was helpful,like and share it!

  • Ever wondered where Data Structures and Algorithms will be useful?

    Well to start with, What is a data structure and what is an algorithm? Data Structure is a way of organizing the data and retrieving it in an efficient manner. And algorithm is a set of instructions to write any program. Manipulation of data in data structures is done through various algorithms. Algorithms are useful in writing any code. There are different data structures which are used in different ways and for different purposes. Some examples of data structures are Arrays, Trees, Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues etc. Data structures is a core subject. Every company looks for good knowledge and understanding of data structures. Some real life examples where these data structures are used are: To store social network feeds Evaluating an expression Store undo/redo operations in a word processor Storing friendship information on a website/social networking sites To implement back functionality in a browser To store the customer order information etc Stacks are internally used by compilers To find the shortest path To know more about where data structures are used , watch the following videos: To know about some real world applications where data structures are used you can watch the following video: Companies like Google, Microsoft , Amazon focus on data structures and algorithms. Click here to know more about it. If this post was useful, like and share it!

  • 5 Mysql tutorials for absolute beginners

    MySQL is a relational database management system based on SQL – Structured Query Language. The application is used for a wide range of purposes, including data warehousing, e-commerce, and logging applications. The most common use for mySQL however, is for the purpose of a web database. It can be used to store anything from a single record of information to an entire inventory of available products for an online store. In association with a scripting language such as PHP or Perl (both offered on our hosting accounts) it is possible to create websites which will interact in real-time with a mySQL database to rapidly display categorised and searchable information to a website user. Here are 5 best free tutorials to get started with MySql as an absolute beginner. Free Mysql databases and crash courses. 1. MySQL Database Tutorial( 2. MySQL Crash Course( 3. SQL with MySQL - Complete Tutorial for Beginners [2019]( 4. Learning MySQL - Getting Started( 5. MySQL Tutorial( If this is helpful, make sure to like and share this article!

  • Why C??

    Are you a coder? Or an engineer (belonging to any Engineering Stream)? Or maybe both? Well then, you might have heard of C. What is C? It is a programming language. If you are an engineer then C must have been the first programming language in your syllabus. Now, why C? Why start with C? Where will it be used? How is it helpful in your career ? In this post we shall answer these questions. C is a structured/procedural programming language and it uses top-down approach . It kinda like mother of all programming languages. The syntax used in C is adopted by most of the programming languages except a few, though they are not all that different from C. It is the basis for other programming languages like C++, Java etc. Though there are many different programming languages out there, C is still used widely. Some areas where C is widely used even today are: It is used in System programming. It is used in building Operating Systems, compilers, interpreters and even assemblers. Most of the Device drivers are written in C. C is most preferred language for Embedded systems. C is also helpful in developing other languages. Some of the core libraries in android are also written in C. For example, Unix operating System, Oracle were written in C!! To know more about programming and C language, watch the following video: Learning other languages will become a little easy after learning C. Though If you wanna pursue a career in C like become a system programmer or something similar as mentioned then you have to be very passionate and exceptionally good in C!! If you don't wanna pursue a career in C then also knowing C will be useful in Campus recruitment process. If this post was useful, like and share it!

  • How to become a front end developer in India - Complete roadmap

    HTML + CSS + JS = Fronted Developer but not modern Fronted Developer Current Market is looking for a modern front-end developer. So, you need to learn about modern tools. There is a various modern tool and it’s difficult to choose the right tool and order of learning. Here is a roadmap by Here is are ways by Nitish Kumar: I will help you in knowing the right tool and in the right order. Every big thing started with a small step and to become master of frontend development you need to start with the basics. Basics CSS Framework Package Manager CSS Preprocessor Build Tool Front-end Framework Testing PWA Performance CSR SSR Static Site Generator These are the things which is very much important for front-end master. I’ll discuss each of this one by one. Basics : 👉 HTML: Never underestimate the HTML. There are lots of things in HTML which are not being used by people but if you once you know this is also available then you will be surprised. 👉 CSS: It’s tricky and interesting because it styles the page and how it works is a little surprising sometimes. You make your page beautiful with it and you define every property by yourself. It’s like building your own home. 👉 JS: JS is the only things which bring logic and programming to the life of frontend developer. It is very much flexible and surprising. It makes own website functional like we see slides we get from verified before sending to the server. Dynamically sending the request to the serve. HTML is just mark-up language and it will never give you an error. CSS will also never complain you about the wrong code, but JS will do that. Once you learn the basics you are ready to move to the next section. CSS Framework It’s is very important to learn CSS framework because it will make your life easier. You need not do every styling by yourself. You can use the standard predefined style from the framework. If you have a good grasp on CSS, then you can easily override the CSS property and customize the style of the page. Bulma, Bootstrap, Materialize, Semantic UI and Foundation. There are the top 5 CSS framework and you must learn at least one and that is Bootstrap. If you ask me to recommend you then I’ll suggest you two framework. 👉 Bootstrap { Every Developer must know} 👉 Materialize { Any Material Design Framework } Package Manager A package manager is a programming language’s tool that automates the process of installing, upgrading, configuring. It also creates project environments and easily imports external dependencies. After learning CSS Framework, you might think of learning JS Framework but when you will start learning that ultimately you will come to package manager. NPM is node official package manger. Some people don’t use npm then what they use they use Yarn (unofficial package manager) Yarn is a common project developed by such companies as Facebook, Exponent, Google, and Tilde. So might think that I told you different thing what you should follow. You can live life with npm there is nothing bad with it but yarn is enhanced version of npm. Go with npm after some year/month you will know what is advantages of yarn. ❌ Don’t directly jump to yarn because master must know about npm also. CSS pre-processor A CSS preprocessor is a program that lets you generate CSS from the preprocessor’s own unique syntax. There are many CSS pre-processors to choose from, however, most CSS pre-processors will add some features that don’t exist in pure CSS, such as mixin, nesting selector, inheritance selector, and so on. These features make the CSS structure more readable and easier to maintain. LESS SASS STYLUS POSTCSS This increased productivity and everyone wants things very fast, as fast as it can’t be. Build Tool 👉 Task Runner: Task runner for automating all of those boring repeated processes i.e Grunt. 👉Modular builder: bundling many web packages and different dependencies, including CSS files and images, then creates modules i.e. webpack. 👉Linter: Code linting is an important thing to have incorporated in your project because it is a way to increase the code quality 👉 Formatter: code formatter modifies or fixes your source code, according to the defined configuration previously set up. Front-end Framework 👉 Angular It was built by Google and it the best for enterprise application. 👉 React It was built by Facebook and this is widely used among all the framework. 👉 Vue It is growing exponentially, and it has so much potential that it might someday become number. Testing In the test, we test our UI is fine or not because our code is going to run on different devices with different configuration It impossible to test everywhere and every page manually every time. So we write a test to automate these things. There are 3 types of test 👉Unit testing: Unit testing is a type of testing to check if the small piece of code is doing what it is supposed to do. Unit testing checks a single component of an application. 👉INTEGRATION TESTING: Integration testing is a type of testing to check if different pieces of the modules are working together. The behavior of integration modules is considered in Integration testing. 👉FUNCTIONAL TESTING is a type of software testing whereby the system is tested against the functional requirements/specifications. PWA Let’s take the example of Whatsapp on your phone. When there is no network, you can still open the app, check past messages and even reply to someone. When the phone gets the internet connection, the messages are being automatically sent in the background. 👉 SERVICE WORKER 👉 NOTIFICATION 👉 LOCATION 👉 DEVICE ORIENTATION 👉 STORAGE Performance Once you get a grasp on the things which I told you about. You need to improve the website in terms of performance. There is a various tool for testing your application performance. 👉 LIGHTHOUSE 👉 DEVTOOL 👉 SPEED TEST These are the tools which you will help you and based on the result of these tools, you can improve your website. So, that it will load faster on 2G, 3G or any other network also. You will also get some more way to improve website performance. SSR If you disable the js and then run any SPA i.e. angular react and vue you will not able to see anything more than an error message. which will say you to enable the javascript. 👉 React: Next.js 👉 Angular: Universal 👉 Vue: Nuxt Means spa doesn't work without js. Server-side render website are the website which comes with HTML and CSS. So that HTML and CSS don’t need to be dependent on js. This helps low configuration device to load your website fast. because No JS being interpreted for Rendering UI or DOM manipulation. All the big company who use SPA have a server-side render website also means if you disable the js then also you can see the website. Static Site Generator Static site generator makes your website static means you can run your website without connecting to the database. It will only HTML, CSS and js which don't contact the database or API for any information. 👉 React: Gatsby 👉 Vue: VuePress If you are having a blog with some 20 posts then It will fetch all the available post from the database and make it static, like all the posts are being written using in the new file and with HTML Syntax. In this case, I took an example of 20 posts means there will be 20 different pages. Here are the ways by Usersnap: Recently, some people approached me asking for advice on how to get started as a front-end developer. With its ever changing technologies and frameworks, it can be quite difficult and overwhelming starting out in the field of front-end development. In this blog post, you can find 10 tips on how to become a front-end developer! Front-end vs Back-end vs Full Stack As a beginner, you might wonder which area of web development to pursue. If you’re not 100% sure which one to follow then I recommend you read this blog post on how to become a full stack developer. If you’re already sure about front-end development, go ahead and read on. Front-end development skills needed When starting out in front-end, you might not be sure where to start. There are so many options available not only programming language-wise, but regarding tools, frameworks, and technologies as well. So make sure to be prepared of open sea. Or as Ivan would state it: Front-end development is like an ocean. You happen to have a ship, but no map. First learn the shallow waters, then go deep. 1. Learn HTML & CSS. And become good at it. I guess there’s no way around it. Learn HTML & CSS. Why? Because the basics matter. There are all kinds of different online courses available on how to get started with HTML and CSS. First things first. Sign up at Online courses like Coursera or Team Treehouse. After finishing some initial courses, go ahead and create some static web pages and iterate over and over again. I also recommend developing some small UI elements for practicing your newly learned HTML & CSS skills. is a great playground for that. Browse other people’s projects and participate in the community there. 2. Build things. Playing around with (small) UI elements is one thing. Creating an actual landing page or website is something different. At some point, you will eventually start using JavaScript snippets. Don’t forget to challenge yourself by building first responsive elements. So there’s only one way to becoming better at what you’re doing: Keep learning, keep building. Putting these two together, build to learn! There’s no better way to learn than to get your hands dirty. You’ve probably heard this a hundred times by now, but it is for a good reason why this is the advice most often dished out. 3. Read, read, read I guess there’s no way around this. Believe it or not. Your reading skills greatly influence your path to becoming a great front-end developer. Especially when starting out, there’s a lot of reading required. Why? At first you’ll probably read a lot of articles, guides and manuals on how to do different things. You’ll also start reading other people’s code. Or as Adam (UX Lead at CoachUp) would state: Combine that with a good book like Eloquent JavaScript, and you can up your programming game very quickly. 4. There’s more to front-end development than building a website If you followed my tips from 1 to 3, you have probably already done a course or have read a lot of tutorials and are now able to throw together a website. However, that doesn’t equate to being a “front-end developer”. Knowing how to build a website is a very small part of the front-end puzzle. I apologise if that sounds demotivating. But that’s actually the case. There is a whole load of topics that you still should learn about. If we consider performance, testing, QA and many other areas, then you really need to become a deep diver as a front-end developer. 5. Know your tools As you start your journey with front-end development, you will need to decide on your toolkit and the services you need to to make your life easier. Learning about the different tooling options is an important thing. Great tools will help you enhance and automate your front-end development workflow. There will be an ocean of possibilities but soon enough, you’ll find yourself using certain tools and apps. One of those tools will definitely be the Chrome developer tools. Why? Because you can play with HTML, CSS and JavaScript in real-time and this will give you the immediate feedback you need to learn quickly. Additionally, node, npm, bower and many more excellent tools are there to facilitate your daily work. And don’t forget about versioning. 😉 6. Version control will save your life. OK, maybe this sounds a bit too exaggerated. But trust me on that. Version control will save you some sleepless nights. Instead of trying something and having it blow up in your face or hitting command+z a trillion times, you can simply trash your branch and roll back to what was working previously. So make sure to become an expert at Git. It will not only save you countless hours, but it will also give you more confidence to try new things. (Thanks Rob for pointing that out!) 7. Be the middleman As a front-end developer, you need to be aware that you put yourself in some kind of middleman role. As a middleman, you are in touch with QA people, clients, UX experts as well as other developers. You will need to take different perspectives into consideration. That is why, besides learning the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, you need to make sure to be able to communicate clearly. Or as Kyle stated it: Always keep in my what good UX is not only from a user’s perspective, but also from other developers perspective. 8. Do not rush. Along the way, you will ask yourself why you do this and you may want to just stop. It may be tempting to just give up. But don’t. If you’re at that point, I have only one advice for you: Do. not. give. up. Set aside one or two hours every other day to learn. Take a lot of breaks and make sure that you really know the basics. And never rush. The basics form the foundation which will help you get to the next level. If you feel stuck, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Everyone goes through this phase and having the patience to stick it out will help you come out in the end as a pro in front-end development. 9. Dive deep into frameworks So, you made it until here. Awesome! Now it’s time to get involved with certain frameworks. Start by looking at the more popular ones and work out for yourself why they do things in a certain way. Figure out whether each one is a good thing. Understand how frameworks and industry standards have changed over the last couple of years. Looking at older frameworks, you will probably discover approaches and code which are now obsolete. Do not forget: Sometimes, using a framework isn’t the best option, but most of the time it’s well worth knowing about them. Thanks for the tip Robbie! 10. Get involved with open source projects Contribute to FOSS on GitHub. Don’t shy away from big frameworks that seem well established. Even framework authors make mistakes. You may be spending most of your time reading code but don’t see it as a waste of time. You will pick up good habits and practices along the way and will gain some experience working with other developers. When you feel ready to write some code, go through issues on the repository and pick one problem which is manageable for you. Getting involved with various projects, especially open source, will not only make you a better front-end developer, but it will also help you build up your very own online brand as an active, experienced developer. Wrapping it up. The path to becoming a front-end developer will definitely take some time. As presented in this blog post, becoming a front-end developer is not only about learning various front-end frameworks and programming languages. It’s about the interaction, responsibilities and roles as a front-end developer. Because the web is a rapidly evolving universe, great front-end developers should never stop learning. Even little things like following front-end experts on twitter will have impact on your learning curve. You need to have some patience to get there. Rushing doesn’t make sense because it won’t make you happy. Never forget to have fun while learning and experimenting. This article was brought to you by Usersnap – a visual bug tracking tool for every web project. Here is a roadmap by Educative: So by now, you’ve probably figured out that this internet thing is here to stay. As of May 2019, there are 4.2 billion internet users in the world, and nearly 1.7 billion websites, with the number increasing every second. Every business, brand, and idea has a website. Every thought is instantly shared, every memory recorded, and every click on our smartphones leads us to a new webpage, each with links and buttons leading us onwards to other websites. Websites are to the internet what oxygen is to the real world, and building websites is one of the simplest and most profitable ways to enter the world of software development. If you’re ready to walk the road of a web developer you can get started here. There are two paths towards becoming a web developer: the back-end or the front-end. Back-end developers build server-side software; they’re responsible for all the performance, stability, security and speed of your site or app, all of which power the front end or user-facing side. Front-end developers, on the other hand, get to build everything a user – or client – sees, touches and interacts with on the screen, such as layouts, information, engagement, etc. Front-end developers are both creative and tech-savvy, and act as the bridge between designers and back-end programmers. So, how do you go about becoming a front-end developer? It’s a simple, three-step process: Understand the basics Go beyond the language Trial and error Step one: Understand the basics In order to build a website, you first need to have a fundamental understanding of the web, how it is structured, and how your application fits within it. What is the web, what is a server, what is a client, how do various devices communicate with each other, how does the website you build on your computer in San Jose end up on someone’s phone in Shanghai – these are foundational questions about web development which you must have in-depth knowledge of. Once you have a complete understanding of networks (i.e. IP addresses, internet protocol, packets), databases (i.e. SQL, NoSQL, caching), clients, and servers, you can then move on to the actual basics of web development: coding. Front-end developers work with the user – or client – facing side of the website. Their code runs on the client’s browser and determines how the website looks (i.e., the user interface, layouts, navigation, etc.), how it requests data from the server, and how it interacts with the client’s machine. The coding languages used to develop the client-facing source code are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. widget HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is the foundation of any website. It is the code that describes the content of your page, which is then rendered by the browser. You can use HTML to add text, images, audio, video, and more to your website. HTML is easy to learn and the best part is, you can write it in any text editor. It’s important to remember that it’s not a programming language, but a markup language. CSS, like HTML, is not a programming language either, but a styling language for HTML. To put it simply, HTML describes the content while CSS describes how the content should be formatted – basically, anything that controls the look and feel of the page. This allows HTML to go back to its original job as a structural language. JavaScript is where programming gets fun! HTML structures our content, and CSS stylizes it. These are great to create static websites, but when the entire world around us is constantly on the move, why shouldn’t our websites be? JavaScript allows us to implement dynamic elements into your website, such as interactive maps, animations, updates, and more. Once you have mastered these basic coding languages, you are ready to move on to Step Two: Go Beyond the Language. Step two: Go beyond the language Now you know the concepts for how to write basic front-end code to create structured, stylized, and dynamic websites. Let’s see how we can push this knowledge even further. widget Web Frameworks make the development and integration of front- and back-end programming easier. A web framework is basically a package of files and folders of standardized code which can be used as a basis to start building a site. In other words, it’s a starter pack that allows you to build on it. The most common frameworks available to front-end developers are: Angular, React.js, Vue.js, Bootstrap, Semantic-UI, and more. Each framework has its own pros and cons; some are strict and fixed while others are very loose and only give guidelines. Do your research to find the framework – or frameworks (sometimes one is just not enough) – that works for you and use them to take your skills to the next level. You can explore working with these frameworks in-depth here. Command Line basics are essential to becoming a developer. The Command Line Interface (CLI) is a tool into which you can type commands to make the computer performs tasks. Commands can be combined to achieve a variety of outcomes, and since you’re able to communicate with the computer directly, this is the more powerful and efficient way to control your tasks. The most common CLI is the Bash Shell, which is the default on Linux and Mac systems. Every developer has their own ideas about the best ways to code/program a website, but they all agree that Version Control is the most essential part of building a website. Version Control manages all your project’s files so that you can keep track of all your builds and changes. Git is the world’s most popular version control system due to its flexibility. It remembers any change ever made to a project, making it easy to revert to earlier versions; it allows for multiple people to work on a project simultaneously, which fosters collaboration and productivity; and it allows you us to work on multiple features at the same time. There are several options to choose from when it comes to frameworks and command line interfaces, but when it comes to version control, there is only one king in the jungle. You’ve learned the basics of what goes into front-end programming and the skills and frameworks to help you in creating even better websites that are dynamic and versatile. Now, you need to practice working with these frameworks and various tools. Step three: Trial and error You know that thing they say about needing 10,000 hours of doing something in order to become an expert at it? They’re right. Once you’ve learned how to code and how to build powerful applications that do exactly what you need them to do, the only way you can get better is to practice. Build sample websites. That neighbor of yours who wants to be a poet? Help her create an interactive page with a twitter scroll and links to her published works. Your cousin that sells terracotta jewelry on Etsy? Build her website with photos, reviews, testimonials, links to her social media, and more. That friend of yours who wants to be a graphic designer? Write an application that places his graphics and creativity front-and-center. The more you practice and the more you build, the more intuitive the entire process will become for you. Before you know it, building websites and applications will become second nature. Step four: Keep learning Yes, all of the above steps are enough to become a front-end developer. Once you have mastered the fundamentals, built on them, and practiced, you are ready to become a front-end developer. However, the internet keeps changing and new and more advanced methods of programming launch every single day. It is essential that you keep up-to-date with new technologies and keep learning. This is not to say that what you have learned so far will not matter – your basics will always hold you in good stead. But in order to grow, you must keep track of what is cutting-edge, and update your skills accordingly. Now that you know the steps you need to take, check out Educative’s Become a Front-End Developer track to put what you’ve learned in this post to practice. In this track you’ll find several fantastic courses designed to teach you everything you need to know, from the basics to a comprehensive guide towards launching your own website.

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    Java is one of many programming languages and technologies supported by Stackify’s leading tools, Retrace and Prefix. Because at Stackify we aim to help developers become better developers, we’re taking a look at some of the foundational concepts in the Java programming language. Read on for a primer on OOP concepts in Java. Definition of OOP Concepts in Java OOP concepts in Java are the main ideas behind Java’s Object Oriented Programming. They are an abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. Grasping them is key to understanding how Java works. Basically, Java OOP concepts let us create working methods and variables, then re-use all or part of them without compromising security. List of OOP Concepts in Java There are four main OOP concepts in Java. These are: Abstraction. Abstraction means using simple things to represent complexity. We all know how to turn the TV on, but we don’t need to know how it works in order to enjoy it. In Java, abstraction means simple things like objects, classes, and variables represent more complex underlying code and data. This is important because it lets avoid repeating the same work multiple times. Encapsulation. This is the practice of keeping fields within a class private, then providing access to them via public methods. It’s a protective barrier that keeps the data and code safe within the class itself. This way, we can re-use objects like code components or variables without allowing open access to the data system-wide. Inheritance. This is a special feature of Object Oriented Programming in Java. It lets programmers create new classes that share some of the attributes of existing classes. This lets us build on previous work without reinventing the wheel. Polymorphism. This Java OOP concept lets programmers use the same word to mean different things in different contexts. One form of polymorphism in Java is method overloading. That’s when different meanings are implied by the code itself. The other form is method overriding. That’s when the different meanings are implied by the values of the supplied variables. See more on this below. How OOP Concepts in Java Work OOP, concepts in Java work by letting programmers create components that can be re-used in different ways, but still maintain security. Here is an amazing playlist of OOP in Java tutorials for free by Telusko containing 12 videos. The best one out there for beginners to advance. If this is helpful, make sure to like and share this article!

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