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  • Javascript ultimate learning

    JavaScript is the most widely used scripting language on Earth. And it has the largest library ecosystem of any programming language. JavaScript is the core language of the web, and the only programming language that can run in all major web browsers. Notably, JavaScript has no relation to Java. Check out JavaScript: The World’s Most Misunderstood Programming Language. The official name of JavaScript is ECMAScript defined under Standard ECMA-262. If you want to learn more about the JavaScript language, and why it’s so widely used, read Quincy Larson’s article - Which programming language should I learn first? - or watch this inspiring video from Preethi Kasireddy. freeCodeCamp has an in-depth JavaScript tutorial on YouTube that will teach you all the fundamentals in just 3 hours. Some other good JavaScript tutorials: JavaScript for Cats The Modern JavaScript Tutorial Professor Frisby’s Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming Eloquent Javascript (annotated) Speaking Javascript Exploring ES6 Udemy - Javascript Understanding the Weird Parts (first 3.5 hrs) Functional programming in JavaScript Introduction to JavaScript: First Steps Douglas Crockford’s Videos Modern JS Cheatsheet The 50 Best Websites to Learn JavaScript Codementor JavaScript tutorial You Might Not Need jQuery References DevDocs OverAPI JavaScript Cheat Sheet ECMA-262 Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) Quick JavaScript REPL (node) JSBin JSFiddle CodePen CoderPad (pair programming) C9 (IDE, pair programming) Object Playground (visualize objects) Plunker Challenges Code Wars Hacker Rank Coding Game CodeFights ES6 Katas Tutorials Codecademy RithmSchool Exercises Codility Coderbyte Exercism JavaScript30 (Pluralsight) Editors Visual Studio Code Atom Sublime Text Webstorm Brackets Blogs Perfection Kills 2ality JS collection on Medium David Walsh superheroJS Podcasts JS Jabber Video Tutorials Derek Banas’ Learn JS In One Video Derek Banas’ Object Oriented JavaScript Books Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja Programming JavaScript Applications Maintainable JavaScript Learning JavaScript Design Patterns Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide JSDoc Javascript Allonge Six You Don’t Know JS 6 books on JavaScript by Kyle Simpson, from beginner to advanced. Eloquent Javascript Fantastic, thorough introduction to the basics and features of JavaScript, complete with in-browser interactive code. Professor Frisby’s Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming Quite in-depth guide to Functional Programming in JavaScript The JavaScript Way Functional Light JS Standalone JavaScript engines Mozilla’s SpiderMonkey, the first JavaScript engine ever written, currently used in Mozilla Firefox. V8, Google’s JavaScript engine, used in Google Chrome. Google Apps Script, a cloud-based/server-side interpreter that provides programmatic “macro-like” control of Google Apps services and documents. Node.js, built on top of V8, a platform which enables server-side applications to be written in JavaScript. Windows includes JScript, a JavaScript variant in Windows Script Host. Chakra, a fork of Jscript, is developed by Microsoft and used in their Edge browser. Mozilla also offers Rhino, an implementation of JavaScript built in Java, typically embedded into Java applications to provide scripting to end users. WebKit (except for the Chromium project) implements the JavaScriptCore engine. JavaScript Frameworks The most frequently used JavaScript Frameworks are React JS, Angular JS, jQuery, and NodeJS. For more details follow this link. Like with all programming languages, JavaScript has certain advantages and disadvantages to consider. Many of these are related to the way JavaScript is often executed directly in a client's browser. But there are other ways to use JavaScript now that allow it to have the same benefits of server-side languages. Advantages of JavaScript Speed - JavaScript tends to be very fast because it is often run immediately within the client's browser. So long as it doesn't require outside resources, JavaScript isn't slowed down by calls to a backend server. Also, major browsers all support JIT (just in time) compilation for JavaScript, meaning that there's no need to compile the code before running it. Simplicity - JavaScript's syntax was inspired by Java's and is relatively easy to learn compared to other popular languages like C++. Popularity - JavaScript is everywhere on the web, and with the advent of Node.js, is increasingly used on the backend. There are countless resources to learn JavaScript. Both StackOverflow and GitHub show an increasing amount of projects that use JavaScript, and the traction it's gained in recent years is only expected to increase. Interoperability - Unlike PHP or other scripting languages, JavaScript can be inserted into any web page. JavaScript can be used in many different kinds of applications because of support in other languages like Pearl and PHP. Server Load - JavaScript is client-side, so it reduces the demand on servers overall, and simple applications may not need a server at all. Rich interfaces - JavaScript can be used to create features like drag and drop and components such as sliders, all of which greatly enhance the user interface and experience of a site. Extended Functionality - Developers can extend the functionality of web pages by writing snippets of JavaScript for third party add-ons like Greasemonkey. Versatility - There are many ways to use JavaScript through Node.js servers. If you were to bootstrap Node.js with Express, use a document database like MongoDB, and use JavaScript on the frontend for clients, it is possible to develop an entire JavaScript app from front to back using only JavaScript. Updates - Since the advent of ECMAScript 5 (the scripting specification that JavaScript relies on), ECMA International has been dedicated to updating JavaScript annually. So far, we have received browser support for ES6 in 2017 and look forward to ES7 being supported in the future. Disadvantages of JavaScript Client-Side Security - Since JavaScript code is executed on the client-side, bugs and oversights can sometimes be exploited for malicious purposes. Because of this, some people choose to disable JavaScript entirely. Browser Support - While server-side scripts always produce the same output, different browsers sometimes interpret JavaScript code differently. These days the differences are minimal, and you shouldn't have to worry about it as long as you test your script in all major browsers. ES6 The 6th edition of ECMAScript is called ES6. It is also know as ES2015. The changes add a lot of syntactic sugar that allow developers to create applications in an object oriented style. ES5 example: var User = function () { function User(name) { this._name = name; } User.prototype.getName = function getName(x) { return 'Mr./Mrs. ' + this._name; }; return User; }(); ES6 example: class User { constructor(name) { this._name = name } getName() { return `Mr./Mrs. ${this._name}` } } A lot of new syntax features were introduced including: classes modules templating for/of loops generator expressions arrow functions collections promises Nowadays most of the features are available in all popular browsers. The compatibility table contains all information about feature availability of all modern browsers. Frequently, new features arrive that are part of the successor ES7. A common way is to translate modern JavaScript (ES6, ES7 and other experimental proposals) to ES5. This makes sure that also old browsers can execute the code. There are tools like Babel that transforms new JavaScript to ES5. Besides syntactic sugar coming from ECMAScript standards there are features that require a Polyfill. Usually they are necessary because whole class/method implementations were added to the standard. Object Instantiation In JavaScript and most other languages, an object contains a series of properties, which are a key, value pair. There are multiple options available to you when you need to construct an object. Initialize an object variable You can create an object with pre-defined properties like so: let myObject = { name: "Dave", age: 33 } Creating an empty object This creates an empty object inside our myObject variable: let myObject = new Object(); When you wish to add properties to your object, you simply use either dot notation or bracket notation with the property name of your choice: = "Johnny Mnemonic" myObject["age"] = 55 Using a constructor function You can define a constructor function that you can use to create your objects: function Kitten(name, cute, color) { = name, this.cute = cute, this.color = color } You can define a variable containing an instantiation of this object by calling the constructor function: let myKitten = new Kitten("Nibbles", true, "white") Object.create() The Object.create() method (first defined in ECMAScript 5.1) allows you to create objects. it allows you to choose the prototype object for your new object without needing to define a constructor function beforehand. // Our pre-defined object let kitten = { name: "Fluff", cute: true, color: "gray" } // Create a new object using Object.create(). kitten is used as the prototype let newKitten = Object.create(kitten) console.log( // Will output "Fluff" Article credits to -

  • PHP tutorials for absolute beginners for free

    PHP is a server side scripting language. that is used to develop Static websites or Dynamic websites or Web applications. PHP stands for Hypertext Pre-processor, that earlier stood for Personal Home Pages. PHP scripts can only be interpreted on a server that has PHP installed. PHP was initially created for the generation of dynamic web pages, that's why its scripts solve this task much quicker than other programming languages. PHP code is easily embedded into HTML, and developers can convert existing static website code into dynamic just by adding their PHP code into HTML Here is an amazing playlist of PHP tutorials for free by ProgrammingKnowledge containing 81 videos. The best one out there for beginners to advance. If this is helpful, make sure to like and share this article!

  • Ultimate Swift beginners Programming tutorial playlist to learn for free

    These Swift Tutorials are designed for beginners to programming. You'll learn Swift with meaningful examples, explanations on WHY we do certain things and you'll also have Swift exercises and challenges to cement your learning. Swift is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm, compiled programming language developed by Apple Inc. for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, and Linux.Swiftis designed to work with Apple's Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks and the large body of existing Objective-C code written for Apple products. Here is an amazing playlist of Swift tutorials for free by Chris containing 18 videos. The best one out there for beginners to advance. If this is helpful, make sure to like and share this article!

  • Ultimate Ruby on rails tutorial playlist to learn for beginners to advance and free

    This course teaches you the amazing and powerful technology of Ruby on Rails. This technology forms the backend of amazing new Websites and Web apps. Once mastered you will be able to create systems and sites similar to ones using them. Some of the top sites using Ruby on Rails are Basecamp, Twitter, Shopify, Github, LivingSocial, Groupon and Yellowpages. We bring together this series as a concise and to the point curriculum for learning advance Ruby on Rails from the very basics. The course does not assumes any prior knowledge of Ruby or Rails and is best for beginners and intermediate web developers. By the end of the series you will be able to develop interesting and exciting web apps and web solutions. This series has been created by our in house experts and focus on real and practical usage of the technology and covers the latest specifications. This series is useful for anybody who wants to quickly learn this hot new technology. Here is an amazing playlist of Ruby on rails tutorials for free by Eduonix Learning Solutions containing 38 videos. The best one out there for beginners to advance. If this is helpful, make sure to like and share this article!

  • Ultimate Ruby Programming tutorial playlist to learn for beginners and free

    Ruby is the same thing with programming languages. The Rails framework helps developers to build websites and applications, because it abstracts and simplifies common repetitive tasks. ...Ruby is an all-purpose language, best recognized for Web Applications, because of the Ruby on Rails Framework. Is Ruby Dying? No, Ruby is not dying. I'm insanely passionate about Ruby - it's at the top of my list of favourite languages, and I easily spend over 8 hours a day writing Ruby, but my other passion is JavaScript (inc. ES6). When it comes to building highly UX-centric user interfaces, one starts to think of 'client-side' apps, and potentially a year or so ago, would reach for tools like Backbone - around that time alternatives were KnockoutJS and Angular was just coming into the scene. Today, there's Ember, which has matured since - but one of the big changes has been the impact of ReactJS by Facebook, and the way it has impacted projects such as Turbolinks 3. To put this into perspective, I watched DHH's State of the Union talk at Railsconf last night - and the things they've done for Rails 5 are incredibly exciting, and Turbolinks 3 & Action Cable are two aspects that have huge potential; plus the fact that Turbolinks will have 'native' bindings on your mobile flavour of the month, namely iOS/Android. But, you ask, "What has all this Rails talk got to do with Ruby?". Sure, Ruby is a great 'scripting' language; one can build gems in isolation, but I think you'll find in a general sense, it's leveraged a lot more in the web-framework domain. Want to set up a 'micro-service'? It'll probably be Sinatra (Although with Rails 5, you can do `rails new AwesomeMicroService -- api` which will bake you the 'smallest' Rails footprint). So, TL;DR, Ruby + RACK. That's the domain where you'd most likely see Ruby having an impact. One could have potentially argued, since JavaScript has for a while been the lingua franca of the web, that it would have resulted in the 'demise' of Ruby (or possibly Rails), but that's - in the vernacular of 'Danny' from the TV Show 'Undatable' - just "crazy pants". So what's really magical about Rails 5, is the fact that it's turning the whole 'JavaScript' front-end aspect on its head. It's using JavaScript, internally of course, but exposing or binding it's use via UJS hooked into the Asset Pipeline - or taking Turbolinks 3 as an example - by simply checking the DOM for attributes such as `data-turbolinks-permanent` or `data-behaviour` and ensuring the necessary JavaScript handles everything, under the covers, and here's the *magical* part, whilst we continue to write most of this in Ruby, and a certain degree (of simple) JavaScript (in CoffeeScript if you wish). With these exciting changes slated for Rails 5, it's hard to imaging Ruby dying anytime soon, well not unless you introduce an alias to `Kernel::exit` as `Kernel::die`. Yes, that was a joke :) Here is an amazing playlist of Ruby tutorials for free by Smartherd containing 64 videos. The best one out there for beginners to advance. If this is helpful, make sure to like and share this article!

  • Ultimate Docker tutorial playlist to learn for free

    Docker is a set of platform as a service products that uses OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. Containers are isolated from one another and bundle their own software, libraries and configuration files; they can communicate with each other through well-defined channels. The Docker goal is to ease the creation, deploy and the delivery of an application using the so called Containers. ... But, instead of creating a full operating system, a Docker Container has just the minimum set of operating system software needed for the application to run and rely on the host Linux Kernel itself Here is an amazing playlist of Docker tutorials for free by Raghav Pal containing 17 videos. The best one out there for beginners to advance.

  • Ultimate Flutter tutorial playlist to learn for beginners for free

    Here is an amazing playlist of Flutter tutorials for free by The Net Ninja containing 35 videos. The best one out there for beginners to advance. Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux, Google Fuchsia and the web from a single codebase. The first version of Flutter was known as codename "Sky" and ran on the Android operating system. Author Description: In this Flutter tutorial for Beginners series, I'll show you how to use Flutter (and Dart) to create Android and iOS apps from scratch. We'll learn all about widgets, packages, assets & asynchronous code to create a World Time app, as well as 2 other mini apps to put your Flutter skills to good use! If this is helpful, make sure to like and share this article!

  • The ultimate Ionic learning free tutorial playlist

    Ionic Framework is an open source mobile UI toolkit for building high quality, cross-platform native and web app experiences. Move faster with a single codebase, running everywhere. Ionic is built to perform and run fast on all of the latest mobile devices. Build out-of-the-box blazing fast apps with a small footprint and built-in best practices like hardware accelerated transitions, touch-optimized gestures, pre-rendering, and AOT compiling. Here is an amazing playlist of Ionic tutorials for free by Codedamn containing 22 videos. The best one out there for beginners to advance. If this is helpful, make sure to like and share this article!

  • Go language free courses. It's the easiest one around.

    Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software. Here are 10 free and easy Go lang tutorials to get started. 1. Udemy Source: Udemy provides an online course tutorial to learn the Go programming language. It covers all the concepts starting from basic to advanced level features. This course tutorial is designed according to the novice programmers, who want to learn Golang. Udemy provides several assignments, projects, and quizzes to test your understanding of these concepts. You will find several opportunities in this tutorial to learn and master Golang. In order to get started, you are required to create an account on Some key concepts included in this tutorial are: Getting started Setting up environment Building and compiling projects 2. Go by Example Source: The online Go course tutorial presented by is very interactive and a great tutorial to start with. It represents all the topics or concepts in a systematic manner. For example, one can easily learn in a few minutes about how to install Go in a particular system. All the concepts are very well-explained, clear and instructive in nature. As its name suggests, this tutorial website presents each concept with the help of an example. It is suitable for beginners as well as advanced programmers. Experienced persons can gain more knowledge with this tutorial. Some key concepts included in this tutorial are: Variables Constants Functions Multiple return values Recursion Pointers 3. Go Resources Sources: If you are looking for an online resource to learn the Go programming language, then you are at the right place. Go Resources is a perfect destination for those who are in search of a free online tutorial to learn Golang. Here, you can download or view online different supporting books of Go programming language by clicking on links provided on the webpage. Some key concepts included in this tutorial are: Your first program Types and variables Control structures Arrays, slices, and maps 4. Go Bootcamp Source: This is a comprehensive guide to learn the Go programming language. This course is designed with all the basic and advanced concepts. Hence it is widely used by most of the learners across the world. Go Bootcamp is a very useful resource over the Internet as it is open source and freely available in order to learn the Go programming language. Some key concepts included in this tutorial are as follows: Collection types Methods Interfaces Concurrency Ways to import packages 5. Gophercises Source: Gophercises offers a free online tutorial to learn and become familiar with the concepts of the Go programming language. It guides and assists you in enhancing your skills as a developer or programmer. It provides you with exercises to practice coding that will slowly boost your confidence while working with Go. You need to create an account on to get started with the Go programming language. You can learn and practice different concepts of Go such as channels, mutexes and goroutines. Some key concepts included in this tutorial are: Functional options Chaining interfaces Reading input from the command line 6. Learning Go ( Source: This is a free online book that offers good quality content to learn Golang. It explains each concept of Go with clarity and well-defined examples. Hence you are not required to have prior coding experience. You can learn from basic to advanced level. Also there is no need to create an account. You can directly access the entire content of this free online book. Some key concepts included in this tutorial are: Introduction The Basics Functions Packages 7. CosmicLearn Source: CosmicLearn is an online platform that provides free tutorials about programming languages and other fields like database, web development, mobile development, cloud computing, and many others. It offers a free online tutorial to learn the Go programming language. Here each concept is explained with the help of an example. A beginner can easily learn about Go under this platform. It also provides you a quiz to test your skills and practice coding in Go. Some key concepts included in this tutorial are: Getting started Data structures Interfaces Methods Routines 8. Safari Books Online Source: Safari is an online library (also referred to as digital library) having a plethora of books related to different fields such as engineering, medical, accounts, data science, and many others. It was established in 2000. It provides quality courses in programming languages such as Go, C++, Java, SQL etc. Along with books, it also provides video tutorials. In order to get access to the world of books, you are required to create an account at You will be provided with one-month free trial. Later you can purchase a membership, if desired. Some key concepts included in this tutorial are as follows: Strings Channels and slices Variadic functions 9. Tutorials Point Source: TutorialsPoint is among the leading websites that deliver knowledge about the Go programming language. This tutorial website is useful for both beginners as well as professionals. Here you can learn the basic concepts of the Go programming language along with advanced features. This tutorial also provides support for a question & answer forum, where you can ask your queries to other members in order to clearly understand each topic and concept. So get ready with your all weapons to explore more about Golang. Some key concepts included in this tutorial are: Environment setup Data types Operation Decision making 10. Source: Golangbot offers free access to the Go programming language tutorial. It is a platform where all the information related to the Go programming language is available. This tutorial will teach you about the basics of Go language with the help of code and practical problems. Whether you are an expert or beginner, this tutorial has something new for everyone. Some key concepts included in this tutorial are: Introduction Types and functions Loops

  • Listened about Python programming language? It's time to learn!

    Here are the best, easy, free and fun tutorials to learn Python programming. Get started quickly and become a pro py coder. 1. Python Tutorial for Beginners | Full Python Programming Course( Python tutorial - Python for beginners 🚀Learn Python programming for a career in machine learning, data science & web development. 2. Python Tutorial for Beginners (For Absolute Beginners)( Python Object Oriented - Learning Python in simple and easy steps ,python,xml,script,install, A beginner's tutorial containing complete knowledge of Python Syntax Object Oriented Language, Methods, Tuples,Learn,Python,Tutorial,Interactive,Free, Tools/Utilities,Getting the most popular pages from your Apache logfile,Make your life easier with Virtualenvwrapper,This site now runs on Django, has a new owner,How to use Pillow, a fork of PIL,How to use the Python Imaging Library,Python Websites and Tutorials,How to use Envoy,Using Feedparser in Python,Subprocess and Shell Commands in Python, Exceptions Handling, Sockets, GUI, Extentions, XML Programming 3. Real Python - Online Python Training( In this series of videos you’ll get an overview of the features of the Real Python platform, so you can make the most of your membership. Follow along and get tips on: How to find the most valuable learning resources for your current skill level How to meet and interact with other students and the RP Team How to learn effectively 4. Python Programming For Beginners( This Python programming tutorial will help you to install & configure Python and PyCharm and also take you through the important concepts in Python that includes Python variables, number, what are strings in Python, input() method, what are lists in Python, python loops, while loop, nested loops, functions, arrays and also create hangman game using hand-on simple Python programming. Python is an OOPS language so you can create classes and objects. We'll look into situations where one needs to create classes and object. This tutorial will also train you in writing basic and intermediate level programs. We'll also look at dictionaries and a basic scenario to use them. Now, let us get started and learn python basics. Below topics are explained in this Python programming tutorial: 1. Installation of Python and PyCharm (00:50) 2. Variables (13:00) 3. Numbers (16:30) 4. Strings (29:00) 5. Input() method (53:50) 6. Python lists, if else and for loop (45:35) 7. While loop (53:50) 8. Nested loops (47:50) 9. Functions (1:00:30) 10. Dictionary (1:10:08) 11. Arrays (1:15:13) 12. Hangman (1:18:25) 5. Python from scratch( This is a full python course provided by University of Waterloo. This course is amazing for people who want to get started. It has around 13 fully covered topics,

  • Javascript tutorials to get started for beginners

    JavaScript is the most widely used scripting language on Earth. And it has the largest library ecosystem of any programming language. JavaScript is the core language of the web, and the only programming language that can run in all major web browsers. Notably, JavaScript has no relation to Java. 1. JavaScript Tutorial for Beginners( Description by creator: JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in 2019. A lot of people are learning JavaScript to become front-end and/or back-end developers. I've designed this JavaScript tutorial for beginners to learn JavaScript from scratch. We'll start off by answering the frequently asked questions by beginners about JavaScript and shortly after we'll set up our development environment and start coding. Whether you're a beginner and want to learn to code, or you know any programming language and just want to learn JavaScript for web development, this tutorial helps you learn JavaScript fast. You don't need any prior experience with JavaScript or any other programming languages. Just watch this JavaScript tutorial to the end and you'll be writing JavaScript code in no time. If you want to become a front-end developer, you have to learn JavaScript. It is the programming language that every front-end developer must know. You can also use JavaScript on the back-end using Node. Node is a run-time environment for executing JavaScript code outside of a browser. With Node and Express (a popular JavaScript framework), you can build back-end of web and mobile applications. If you're looking for a crash course that helps you get started with JavaScript quickly, this course is for you. ⭐️TABLE OF CONTENT ⭐️ 00:00 What is JavaScript 04:41 Setting Up the Development Environment 07:52 JavaScript in Browsers 11:41 Separation of Concerns 13:47 JavaScript in Node 16:11 Variables 21:49 Constants 23:35 Primitive Types 26:47 Dynamic Typing 30:06 Objects 35:22 Arrays 39:41 Functions 44:22 Types of Functions 2. Foundations of Programming in JavaScript - p5.js Tutorial( Learning objectives This online course focuses on the fundamentals of computer programming (variables, conditionals, iteration, functions & objects) using JavaScript. In particular it leverages the p5.js creative computing environment which is oriented towards visual displays on desktops, laptops, tablets or smartphones. The course is designed for computer programming novices. At the completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1) Explain how computational media is different from traditional media. 2) Demonstrate an understanding of computer programming. 3) Learn how to learn the tools they need to accomplish the projects that interest them in computational media. Created by The Coding Train 3. Introduction to JavaScript | Scrimba( This JavaScript tutorial course teaches you the world most popular programming language in the world through 33 interactive screencasts. You'll learn JavaScript's core concepts while doing coding challenges along the way. 4. The Complete JavaScript Course | Travels Code( This course teaches you the basics of JavaScript, the most popular programming language in the world. JavaScript can be used to create websites, games, servers and even native apps! So it's no wonder that this language is a critical component of almost all businesses and industries. This makes JavaScript a highly valuable skill to learn. It can be a critical component in order to advance in your career in the direction you want. That's why we've created this free course. It'll teach you the basics in about an hour. So there's no reason to hesitate, just get started today! Your future self will thank you. 5. Learn JavaScript - Full Course for Beginners( This complete 134-part JavaScript tutorial for beginners will teach you everything you need to know to get started with the JavaScript programming language. The font-size in this tutorial is large, making it perfect for viewing on small screens. Thnaks for reading the whole article, Hit the like button if it was helpful!

  • Wanna learn java but don't know where to start?

    Many coders are passionate to learn java but don't know where to start from. Here we provide you with reliable sources from where you can start learning java for FREE!! Here we go : 1. Edureka It is one of the best platform to start learning any programming language. 2. Udemy Udemy is one of the popular platforms for learning anything new, while there are paid courses there are free ones too! And one of them is Java Tutorial For Complete Beginners. 3. Java Point For those who prefer reading and improving their knowledge rather than watching lots and lots of video content , Java point is the right place for you. 4. NPTEL NPTEL is one of the platforms which makes learning easy and accessible to all. You may either visit their website (select National coordinator as NPTEL) and sign up or just watch videos on youtube. 5. Telusko - youtube channel Telusko offers free java tutorials for beginners. Was the post useful? If yes, then like it.

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